The sudden demise of veteran actress Reema Lagoo has left everyone in shock. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Congress President Sonia Gandhi expressed their heartfelt condolences at the demise of the veteran actress. The Prime Minister Office's Twitter tweeted, “Reema Lagoo was a versatile actor who left a big impact in the film & TV world. Her demise is saddening. My deepest condolences: PM. While expressing her thoughts about the veteran actress, Sonia Gandhi in a message said “A household name, Lagoo was a versatile actress, who portrayed an array of heart-warming characters on screen and had always left a lasting imprint on the hearts and minds of the viewer." Other politicos, who condoled the passing away of the 'Kal Ho Na Ho' star are MoS for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore, BJP MP Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma, BJP MP Poonam Mahajan and former Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot. Reema Lagoo, 59, passed away at Mumbai’s Kokilaben Hospital, following a cardiac arrest in the wee hours of Thursday. The actress was known for her roles in movies like 'Hum Aapke Hain Kaun’, ‘Kal Ho Na Ho' and 'Vaastav' and TV shows like 'Shrimaan Shrimati' and 'Tu Tu Main Main'.